Monday, July 1, 2013

Nicarguan Taste + Guiso De Pipian

Hello! I'm bringing you a very nice stew today it's one very of our own and it's one good thing when it comes to a very bad rainy weather like here in Bergen, although this city has some of the best sunny days most of the time it's raining, so for those days when you feel in a bad mood why not eat something that'll put a smile on your face?

I was a little skeptical about this recipe a few years ago, long before I wanted to be a chef and did all this blogging, I didn't even liked to cook so I was always in the mood of I don't want to try this and that but I finally tasted it and boy it was good, so don't feel too insecure about eating something new you never know when you'll find out something very tasty!

One more thing! I use a white squash that in my country we call it Pipian and this is the main ingredient so I don't really know how it's called in English. Pardon me but I'll leave you a photo down here so you can check it out!

Serves 4

For this you will need

2 White squash ( Pipian in Nicaragua)
Half a bell pepper
A quarter of an onion
2 Tomatoes
100 ml of double cream (you can also use 3% fat milk)
2 Eggs

To cook

First remove the the tip and the bottom of the squash then cut them in two, in a pot with water (half filled it's fine) set them to boil and leave them boiling at a medium heat for about 10 to 12 min or until the center is transparent.

Once they're done remove them from the water, these things absorb a lot of water so place them in a cutting board in a place where they can drain. I recommend you to let them drain for about 20 mins so they're good to go

Meanwhile cut your veggies cut the tomatoes, the bell pepper and the onion as I always show you, when you're done with that proceed to cut the squash as I show you in the pic below as well

Add oil to a pan and then add the veggies and the squash saute them lightly at a medium heat and then add the cream or the milk, let it reduce a little just like in the pics in left

Let it reduce for 3 minutes. Then add the butter and stir the veggies so all gets mixed well

Let it reduce a bit more for another 3 minutes at a low heat and then add the eggs. Now to clarify something, the original recipe has eggs on it, but some people don't like the texture and the look that the eggs give to the stew, so it's optional, however the eggs give it another flavor, I recommend adding the eggs but then again it's your choice, that doesn't mean that it tastes bad without them ;)

So once you add the eggs stir well, let the eggs cook at a low heat once the eggs are cooked let it rest form some minutes and serve!

You can serve this with rice, it also works rather good as a vegetarian dish, no meat in here!
You can also serve it with both rice and boiled plantain.

So for the rice recipe click here

I still haven't got anything for boiled plantain but if you want to do it
Just click here it's basically the same thing peel off the skin but this time
cut the plantain in half vertically and then horizontally set a small
pot with water and let it boil until soft, to check just pinch
the plantain with a fork and if it goes through easily then they are
ready to go

As always I hope you enjoy the recipe, I'm always open to any kind of feedback, so if you are wondering about something or need more explanation just write a comment below or email me. Happy Cooking :) !


  1. Hola Priscila, me alegra poder encontrar tu Blog Post del guiso de pipián. Estoy experimentando en la cocina queriendo generar los platos que mi mami (que en paz descansa) preparaba en nuestro hogar. Y al buscar el guiso de pipián, tu blog me llegó. Cannot wait to try it. Gracias! Mauricio
